Frequently asked questions

What are the delivery charges for orders from the Online Shop?
Since these are digital products, no physical products will be shipped to you, so you do not have to bear any shipping costs. You will be able to download them immediately after payment and at the same time the files will be sent to your email.
Which payment methods are accepted in the Online Shop?
We accept payment via Paypal, and you can pay with Visa or Mastercard through Paypal. If you want to use Visa or Mastercard please select “Check out with Paypal” then select “check out as guest”.
How long will delivery take?

You will be able to download them immediately after payment and at the same time the files will be sent to your email.

How secure is shopping in the Online Shop? Is my data protected?
Your personal information is absolutely confidential. We cooperate with Paypal on the security of users’ payment information.
What exactly happens after ordering?
After you complete the order, the file download link will appear. Please click directly on the link to download that file. The file is also sent to your email address.


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